Privacy Policy

We hold your privacy in high regard and prioritize the protection of your data.


IPTV Air is a utility app designed for parsing playlists and accessing content. It's important to note that IPTV Air and its developers do not provide any content. Users are solely responsible for the content they provide and consume through IPTV Air. We emphasize the importance of adhering to copyright laws and obtaining proper permissions for streaming copyrighted material. Access to TV playlists from licensed IPTV providers is required to watch channels.

Data Storage

IPTV Air stores your playlists locally for parsing and playback purposes. Users are responsible for the content stored and accessed through IPTV Air.

Information Collection and Use

The app may utilize third-party services that gather data for identification purposes.

Link to the privacy policy of third-party service providers used by the app:

Data Sharing

No Personal Data Collection: IPTV Air does not track or collect any personal data from users.

Log Data

Reporting a bug is optional. If chosen, the app prompts users to include a log file, which may contain information about attempted streams and related errors.

Updates to Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy may undergo revisions to align with changes in our practices or regulatory requirements. Users will be informed of any significant alterations through the app or respective app stores. We encourage users to periodically review our Privacy Policy.


By utilizing our app, you acknowledge and consent to our Privacy Policy and agree to its Terms and Conditions.

Contact Information

For inquiries or concerns regarding our privacy practices, please reach out to us.